Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes in Online Sales Training for Better Results 

The sales market has evolved drastically in the past few years. As businesses are increasingly adopting digitization, online sales have gained tremendous importance. Its unparalleled reach and global connectivity help transform business marketing operations and save costs, efforts, and time.   

Effective online sales training programs drive immense business value. Recent reports state that online sales training can save about 30-40% on business expenses, reducing travel costs and lost productivity.

Education Nest offers comprehensive online training that considerably elevates your workforce’s sales skills. With world-class instructors, hands-on projects, and industry-recognized certifications, it provides the best learning experiences for your employees.

The current market is flooded with corporate training options, creating a very confusing situation for businesses. It becomes a task for them to find the best online sales training programs, and they often end up making mistakes in the process.  

Here are the top five mistakes you should avoid when looking for online sales training. Take a look.

  1. Passive Training Without Customization :- Most training programs are passive and generic and often need more focused content. When businesses choose such online sales training, they must address the skills gap and add value. Passive training also lacks interactive elements. So, employees might lose their interest in the long run.Also, business training requirements vary considerably, and the one-size-fits-all approach needs to be revised. Therefore, you should look for customized online sales training after thoroughly assessing your business requirements, employees’ capabilities, and future expectations.
  2. Lack of Adequate Support :- Although companies understand the importance of online sales training, they usually treat it as an event. They do not offer real-time support, guidance, mentorship, training materials, or additional resources to improve the learning process. Besides, they fail to establish a structured learning process and a collaborative learning environment.So, businesses must offer adequate support to ensure that the online sales program benefits employees. They should not consider it a formality and compromise on efforts and resources. Instead, there must be regular check-ins, in-person sessions, feedback mechanisms, recognition programs, and other measures that will help develop a strong learning culture.  
  3. Overlooking Reinforcement :- Another major mistake in online sales training is overlooking post-training reinforcement. Research suggests that if learning is not appropriately reinforced, the brain tends to forget almost 90% of its learning in just a month. Therefore, the impact of training will decline over time if this learning is not revived.Companies must plan follow-up sessions, reskilling programs, and microlearning techniques to solidify learning. It will help revive critical concepts and retain the knowledge for long. Post-training reinforcements also ensure maximum results from sales training.  
  4. No Metrics to Measure Effectiveness :- Some online sales training providers might not provide measures to assess the effectiveness of their learning programs. Companies also ignore this aspect initially. Later, they fail to determine the actual ROI (Return On Investment) and gauge the benefits of the training. Therefore, it is essential to establish clear evaluation metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the sales program. It will also help businesses understand if the investment has been worthwhile and if the training provider delivered its promises. 
  5. No Practical Applications :- Not all online sales training solutions integrate practical applications in their modules. Some only focus on theoretical concepts without including real-world applications. As a result, employees do not feel confident about their skills and implement them effectively.So, businesses must look for training solutions that emphasize practical skills, too. It ensures the employees gain hands-on experience and develop confidence in their abilities.


Online sales training has immense benefits, provided you select the right solutions for your business. Many times, companies choose mediocre solutions just to cut down on expenses. However, they add no significant value to the performance. Therefore, you must research the best options, evaluate their market position, check for reviews and feedback, assess their content relevance, and consider all important factors to find the right fit for your business. 

If you want online sales training solutions to upskill your workforce, check them out on the Education Nest platform. They can be tailored to your unique requirements, too.

Reach out to us today for more details.


  1. https://www.topyx.com/lms-blog/3-stats-that-prove-the-business-value-of-online-sales-training
  2. https://educationnest.com/
  3. https://roundtablelearning.com/what-is-the-ebbinghaus-forgetting-curve-less-than-100-words/ 
  4. https://educationnest.com/courses/
  5. https://educationnest.com/courses/corporate-training-programs/ 

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