Welcome to “HR Interview Questions”, your go-to source for all things related to job interviews! Our blog is dedicated to providing you with practical tips and strategies to succeed in your next job interview.
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Every company conducts several interviews before hiring someone to test their technical and social skills. HR interviews determine candidates’ qualifications by examining their personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Interviews can also be used to determine how well a candidate fits into the company’s work culture. These rounds are frequently completed following the technical skills test, which occurs near the end of the hiring process.
The HR interview stages can make or break your chances of landing a job at the company of your dreams. So, to ace this interview, keep the following tips in mind.
- Don’t even try! Be sincere. You must not lie during the HR interview at any cost.
- Answer directly and honestly, and always tell the truth.
- Dress formally but comfortably. Reduce the number of accessories you wear.
- Arrive at your destination on time. If the interview is conducted online, ensure your connection is operational by logging in at least 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time.
- When you respond, don’t sound like a broken record. When speaking with the people in charge of hiring, be lively and exciting. Make sure your video is turned on if the interview is conducted online.
- That’s all you have to do: smile.
In this post, we’ll look at some of the top HR interview questions, what they’re designed to uncover, and some effective responses.
HR Interview Questions for Freshers
1. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
In every interview, this is the first question asked. It appears to be simple. Nonetheless, this is the most important question, and candidates frequently struggle to make an impression on the interviewer because they don’t know how to phrase their responses.
How to respond to this question:
- Never inquire about the interviewer’s concerns or questions. Even if you mean well, asking that seems impolite.
- Don’t say anything that appears on your resume. The interviewer is interested in information that is outside the resume. Also, avoid discussing private matters.
- In your introduction, use words like “problem-solving,” “innovation and tech-savvy,” “creative,” and “fast learner” to describe yourself professionally.
- Discuss your professional achievements and previous work that make you a good fit for the job you’re interviewing for.
- You can also explain why you want the job and how it will benefit you.
- Consider the skills you possess that apply to the job.
2. What prompted you to join our company?
Interviewers frequently ask this question to ensure that the candidate understands the job requirements and to learn why the candidate chose their company for the job. Your response should demonstrate to the interviewer why you are a good fit for the job.
How to respond to this question:
- Tell them about previous projects you’ve worked on similar to what the job required.
- Discuss your career goals that are relevant to this position.
- Learn about the company’s goals, mission, and current projects. This is what drew you to the organization in the first place.
Response example
My existing skills and experience in the XYZ field make me an excellent fit for the job requirements. I could see myself in that position because it matched my professional goals, skills, and knowledge. Also, after researching your company, I discovered that it has promising prospects, which piqued my interest in being a part of its exciting future. I would be honored to work for this organization; it is the best place for me to put my skills to use and grow.
3. What are your main advantages and disadvantages?
This question is asked by HR to learn more about you and how well you fit the job. This is also one of the most basic and frequently asked questions.
How to respond to this question:
- Tell the truth.
- Begin by listing your best skills and qualities that could help you land the job.
- Give an example to support each of your strengths. So, try not to discuss your perceived weaknesses.
- Don’t reveal any flaws that could jeopardize your chances of being elected.
- You should only list up to two flaws and always explain how you intend to fix them.
- Answers such as “I am a perfectionist, which is both my strength and my weakness” are overused and corny.
Response example
Working well with others is one of my most vital qualities. I am also very self-motivated and learn things quickly. Whatever the assignment, I always do my best to complete it quickly and on time. My flaw is that I still improve at getting along with new people. When I meet new people, I feel awkward. I’ve been working on this for a while now and know I’m improving.
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4. What motivates you to make a change?
The interviewer wants to know what prompted you to investigate various opportunities and identify any red flags, so they frequently ask experienced candidates this question. Whatever the reason for your job change, do not disparage your current boss. The interviewer does not want to hear about the poor working conditions or low pay. Keep it professional, and don’t tell them about your problems.
Response example
I’m seeking a change because it’s time to broaden my horizons. I’ve been with my current company for a long time. While I’m grateful for my opportunities there, I’d like to expand my responsibilities, look for new opportunities, and take on more challenging jobs. Working for your company will allow me to stretch myself and grow.
5. Explain the gap in your resume.
This question is asked when the interviewer notices something unusual or exciting on the resume. Examples include a job that has nothing to do with what you want to do, one that only lasted a few months, or, in some cases, a long time between two jobs. HR wants to ensure that any gaps in coverage aren’t the result of anything wrong.
Response example
After finishing my bachelor’s degree, I went straight to work and didn’t stop for eight years. This harmed both my work-life balance and my ability to complete tasks. So I decided to take a six-month break to regroup, make amends with my family, and travel alone. During this sabbatical, I also learned how important it is to maintain a healthy work-life balance, to be organized, and to have a positive outlook on life.
6. How well do you think you did on a scale of 1 to 10?
Your response to this question must sound like it could be better. This may give the impression that there is no room for improvement and may lead the interviewer to believe you are overconfident.
Also, remember not to undervalue yourself. This demonstrates a lack of self-confidence.
Response example
I’d give myself an 8.8 because I know I’m not perfect and can continuously improve. Learning new things is an essential aspect of personal and professional development.
7. What is your proudest achievement to date?
Make sure only to discuss your professional accomplishments. To answer this question, choose your most recent action.
Tips for responding:
Explain your answer using the STAR method. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result.
Response example
As a software developer, I’ve already reached several significant milestones in my career. The most recent is from when we were developing a critical component of a product that handled client payments. I was a core developer, and we only took a break for about two months. Because I turned in the assignment two months early, I was given the lead role for this part.
To meet the deadline, we made a point of learning more about all aspects of creating this module and bringing in a few extra resources to help us finish it faster. Following the deployment, I instructed our team on how to use the platform. In the end, we completed the project well ahead of schedule. When the product came out, the top management was proud of us, and at the quarterly town hall, our team was praised for doing a great job. At the time, I was pretty pleased with myself.
8. In five years, where do you see yourself?
This is the most complex and dangerous question of all. This could be a trap, and you’re not even aware of it. Even though the question may appear insignificant, its primary purpose is to determine whether your goals align with the company’s goals and how long you intend to stay if hired.
You may be tempted to be honest and say that you want to further your education, start a business, or manage hiring within the company. You could also say that you don’t have any plans if you don’t have any goals. Candidates should not say these things during an interview because the interviewer is not interested in hearing them.
The recruiter is only concerned with how long you expect to work for the company and how satisfied you are with the job for which you will be hired.
Response example
I plan to learn as much as I can over the next five years by taking advantage of all of this company’s internal and external training programs. My long-term career goal is to work in technology architecture, so I’m looking forward to developing various products that reflect the company’s vision and help me get there faster.
9. What makes you the best candidate for the job?
Because every hire is a risk for the interviewer if the person isn’t the right fit for the job, the recruiter asks this crucial question to determine how well you’ll fit the job. Your response to this question may influence the outcome of your interview. Make sure you’re prepared for this question and can explain to the interviewer why you’re the best candidate for the job.
Here are some suggestions for responses:
- How well you would perform the job and how well you would work as part of a team.
- How you’re unique because you have the necessary skill.
- It should come down to how you can significantly benefit the company.
Response example
I am highly self-motivated and open-minded and can quickly learn new things. I am confident that I would be a good fit for this position based on the job description and my experience with web development. I’m an excellent team player who enjoys problem-solving. Furthermore, the values of this organization and mine are similar. This job will support my interests and provide a fun and exciting opportunity to help this company grow. This opportunity has made me very happy.
10. How do you handle criticism?
This question primarily intends to ascertain how you feel about comments and how you respond to them. The key is demonstrating to the interviewer that you are always open to hearing and learning from constructive criticism. It would help if you did not appear to be someone who doesn’t know much or is stubborn and unwilling to accept advice on improving.
Response example
I’m always eager to learn new things, which means I make mistakes from time to time. I’m always open to constructive criticism; if you give it to me, I’ll do my best to improve and learn from my mistakes. If I did this, I would grow and progress. If the feedback isn’t positive, I’m mature enough to ignore it and keep working to do my job as well as I can without becoming depressed.
HR Interview Questions for Experienced

11.Tell me about a time when you were dissatisfied with your performance.
The interviewer understands your level of responsibility in any job you hold. It also demonstrates how badly you want the job and how much you care about the company.
Response example
I had to rely on my team members to do everything when I first started working at my current job right after college. This bothered me because I preferred to work independently while collaborating with others as part of a team. I only had to spend a little time learning how the project worked and getting assigned many related tasks. I felt better about myself and was given more responsibility as I completed more assignments independently or with little assistance. I felt more self-sufficient and received many compliments on my dedication, sense of ownership, and how quickly I learned about the project.
12. Describe a time when you had to work under close supervision.
The interviewer evaluates your ability to work both with a team and on your own.
Response example
My manager at my previous job kept a close eye on me. It felt like I was being suffocated because the manager watched everything I did during the day and seemed beside me. I was not too fond of it because the pressure was constant. Because I was new to the job, my boss didn’t trust me enough to let me do it alone. As a result, I attempted to gain her trust by working hard on the assignments and not making excuses. We discussed giving me a project that required less close supervision after I thought the manager had faith in my abilities. The manager reluctantly assigned me one of these projects, but I gave it my all and ensured everything went smoothly. That’s how I gained her complete trust.
13. Could you describe a time when you were satisfied with your job and how that made you feel?
The interviewer asks this question to determine what success means to you and how it makes you feel. This allows them to choose how concerned you are about your company’s growth and progress.
Response example
I was in charge of a blogging project at my previous job that could have inspired many people. So I concentrated on determining what would motivate and inspire people. I created a survey to learn more about this and distributed it to my friends, neighbors, and family. We received a lot of positive feedback after publishing the blog. Customers appreciated how relatable the posts were, contributing significantly to our product sales increasing by 90%. I was pleased with what I did because it helped the company make more money and provided a resource for others.
14. Describe a time at work when you encountered a problem while working on a project.
Because there are so many different types of problems, this is a broad topic. This question aims to discover what you find difficult and how you deal with it. When you respond to this:
- To discuss a work-related issue, use the STAR method.
- Don’t be rude or disparage any managers or businesses.
- Make sure the interviewer understands what’s going on.
- Don’t discuss your problems with others.
- Instead of focusing solely on the harm, consider what you can learn from the situation.
Response example
According to a bug report I received from one of our clients, when a complex query was run many times from the interface at my current company, the databases did not work correctly.
I checked the logs before diving into the root cause. This allowed me to get a general idea of where the bug first appeared. I attempted to reproduce the bug on my computer, but I could only do so on the server where the bug was occurring. I discovered a bug in the Java code while debugging. This was due to developers leaving the company commenting out some lines.
To ensure this did not happen again, I quickly changed the code and ran some performance tests on the application. By the end of the day, the issue had been resolved, and we could restart the server with improved performance. After each release phase, regression testing should be performed to ensure the old and new features function properly.
15.What would you do if you had a bad boss?
This question can be challenging because the interviewer wants to know how well the candidate works with people with different ideas and beliefs. When responding, avoid focusing on the negative aspects of the situation.
Response example
Before deciding that my boss is bad, I’ll do everything I can to learn about him and determine what’s wrong. If I notice my boss becoming agitated, I will write down what upset him and try to avoid doing those things. I’ll also inquire about how my coworkers have dealt with him. If things worsen, I’ll consult HR to determine what to do.
16.What do you consider to be the ideal workplace?
The primary purpose of this question is to determine whether you will fit in with the organization’s way of doing things. Companies ask this question to decide whether or not an employee will fit into the company’s culture. They want to ensure that the employee is more productive, happier at work, and stays with the company for an extended period.
Here are some preparation tips for this question:
- Conduct extensive research on the company you intend to interview with and learn about its work environment, organizational structure, etc.
- Discuss how the workplace culture fosters growth.
- Consider how you want to collaborate with others.
- Check that what you say is consistent with what the company wants to accomplish.
- Don’t bring up a job that provides you with a lot of vacation time, a flexible schedule, higher bonuses, and fun. Even though we know that should be the case, it isn’t.
Response example
The best place to work is on a team where the emphasis is on learning, growing, and working together to help the team members and the business grow. It is where each team member’s strengths and skills are put to use to help the group grow. When I researched your company, I was impressed to learn that you place a higher value on teamwork. I can work best in an environment where people help one another.
17.What exactly do you mean by “motivation”?
Again, it’s easy for candidates to misunderstand this broad question. When answering this question, we must be truthful and ensure that our response is relevant to the job we are interviewing for. To help people understand, provide an example.
Response example
I try my hardest at work because I enjoy learning new things and feeling like I’ve accomplished something worthwhile when I solve a problem. Problems are enjoyable for me because they force me to work harder. The idea that we should never stop learning and that the moment we stop learning is the moment we stop growing inspires me to learn something new every day. I can tell from the job description that this job will give me the motivation to keep going.
18.What kind of business do you want to start?
With this challenging question, the interviewer must reconsider whether you are qualified. Refrain from saying in your response that you want to work for a company that gives you a lot of vacation time and flexible hours and pays you six figures. The interviewer isn’t interested in these things, and they will interpret them as red flags because they show you’re concerned about money.
How to handle it:
- When describing your ideal workplace, be truthful.
- Your words should be consistent with how the company operates.
- Use an employer as an example to make the case sound more substantial than it is.
Response example
In my ideal job, I would have numerous opportunities to learn and grow and be encouraged to use my skills to help the company grow. Based on what I’ve learned about your company, this location can provide me with the opportunities I seek in a place that recognizes and rewards performance.
19. How do you ensure that a certain number of tasks are completed correctly?
The interviewer asks this question to determine your ability to multitask. They need to know how good you are at multitasking because every employer today expects a candidate to be able to work on multiple projects simultaneously.
Advice on how to respond to the question:
- Tell me about a time when you had to do multiple things at once and how you accomplished it.
- Don’t mention how much you despise switching between tasks.
- Refrain from being sneaky or giving too apparent answers.
- You can also provide examples to support your claim in the STAR format.
Response example
When I have a lot of tasks to complete, the first thing I do is relax and trust in my abilities. Then I start putting them in order of importance, make a schedule for when each one needs to be completed, and get to work on the task. When I get stuck or encounter problems at work, I always inform my boss, be bold, and seek assistance from my coworkers. If I won’t able to meet the deadlines, I’ll notify my manager and provide a detailed account of what I’ve done. Most of the time, my boss understood enough to grant me an extension on the deadline and ensure my work was completed.
20.Is there anything that makes you different from other candidates?
You have to answer this question in a way that showcases your strengths and qualities. Talk about the things that make you stand out from other candidates. Don’t be afraid to brag a little bit – after all, you want to show the interviewer that you’re the best.
Response Example
There are a few things that make me different from other candidates. First, I have a lot of experience working with different teams and managing projects. I’m also great at communicating with people, so I can easily build relationships with clients and coworkers. Finally, I have a strong interest in learning new things and taking on new challenges.
We’ve seen the most common HR interview questions, why they’re asked that way, some tips on answering each one, and possible answers. There are numerous items on the list. An HR representative may occasionally ask questions about the job role to see how well you understand it. Even if the questions in this round appear to be from a normal conversation, you must be prepared to answer them because the HR round is the most important and the final thing standing between you and your ideal job.