Because Linux is open-source, it has attracted many creative people who have worked hard to make game-changing ideas a reality. Because so many developers use Linux, it has become one of the most popular and safe operating systems, among many other uses. Linux changes and gets better over time, just like any other technology. We will explore Linux Interview Questions in this post.
Linux is a well-known operating system because it works well and is fast. It works with hardware from IBM, Intel, and HP. In this post, we’ll look at different interview questions and answers about Linux commands for experienced candidates with 5+ years of experience to help you ace your interview.
This blog discusses the hard questions about Linux often asked in interviews. We have also added questions on Linux system administration for better understanding.
Linux Interview Questions And Answers

Q. What does “Linux” mean?
Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is based on Unix. Linus Torvalds was the one who made the first Linux distribution. The main reason Linux was created was to give people who needed help affording Windows, iOS, or Unix a free or cheap alternative.
Q. Help me understand what a “Linux kernel” is. Can you change things about the Linux kernel?
The kernel, the central part of Linux’s operating system, works at a fundamental level. Its main jobs are to manage resources and provide a user interface.
It is not against the law to change the Linux core. Users can change any GPL-licensed project, like Linux, in any way they want.
Q. What does it mean to “give permission” to a file in Linux?
These are the three types of permissions in Linux:
- The intended audience for the file can open and read it.
- Create: Anyone who wants to can read the file and make changes.
- The word “execute” means the file’s owner can run it.
Q. What makes an inode different from a process id?
A file’s inode is the label the system gives to that file. The process id is another unique number that is given to each process.
Q. What does LILO stand for?
In the world of computers, LILO stands for “Linux Loader.” Simply put, it is a Linux boot loader whose job is to load the Linux OS into RAM before the computer can start to work. Most computers have boot loaders for specific versions of Mac OS and Windows. If you want to use Linux as an operating system, you need a bootloader made for Linux.
Before controlling the Master Boot Record, the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) checks a few things when the computer starts. This is where LILO starts up the Linux operating system. The Linux operating system can be started quickly using LILO, which is a big plus.
Q. Describe the basics of Linux.
Linux is made up of the following parts:
- Simply put, a shell is a way for Linux to understand commands.
- The kernel is an essential part of an OS. It controls the computer’s hardware and keeps the system running.
- System utilities are the tools that help you manage your computer system.
- The term “Graphical User Interface” (GUI) means “Graphical User Interface,” which is how a user talks to a computer system. But, unlike the command line interface (CLI), the graphical user interface (GUI) lets users enter information through buttons, images, and TextBoxes.
- Software that can be used: Applications are software made to do something specific.
Q. What does “swap space” mean?
When Linux’s RAM is full, it uses the swap partition to store processes that are running temporarily. When a program is started, its current state is temporarily saved in RAM so that the central processing unit can get to it quickly. If you have more programs open than your RAM can handle, the Swap Space will store them temporarily. The processor is now looking for data in memory and swap.
Linux uses swap space to increase the amount of memory that is available.
Scenario-Based Linux Interview Questions For Experienced
Q. Why can’t you connect to a Linux box with the IP address “” from a Windows box with the IP address “”?
Q. When a root user hasn’t done anything for a while, does it pose a security risk if they forget to end their session? This is true for all users, not just root, since anyone can use an unlocked session. How can we make this happen?
Q. What am I doing wrong? I set up passwordless authentication between two Linux boxes, but when I try to use ssh, I’m asked for my password. What else should I look into?
Q. When the rsyslog server dies, I don’t get any messages in /var/log/messages. Because of this, I can’t figure out why the rsyslog service is failing on my RHEL 7 system or find the problem. Where can I find the system messages sent to me in these situations?
Linux Interview Questions and Answers for System Admin
Q. For what reason is LVM necessary?
Logical volume management is the technical term for this. LVM is the best option for managing disc space on a Linux server. There is no need for maintenance or downtime when adjusting the size of an LVM partition online.
Q. Is there a way to view data about the computer’s RAM and processor?
The accessible and vmstat commands show us how much memory we have physically and virtually.
The sar command allows us to examine the percentage of the CPU that is currently being used, in addition to other metrics.
Q. What services does SAR provide, and where are its records kept?
Sar collects, records, and stores data on system activity. Since it keeps track of critical system resources, the sar command (CPU utilization report) could be one of the first programs a user starts when they want to find out what’s going on with the system. The sampled workload is CPU-bound if the CPU is being used at or close to its maximum capacity (user + network + system).
The sar command’s logs are often stored in the /var/log/sa/sadd file, where the dd option specifies the current day.
Q. Can you tell me the address of the kernel’s module directory?
Any compiled drivers for the Linux kernel can be found in the “lib/modules/kernel-version” folder. All of the currently loaded kernel modules can be viewed with the “lsmod” command.
Q. To explain, what is umask?
Umask, short for “User file creation mask,” is a mask whose settings decide which permissions are applied to files and directories at creation time.
Q. What is the method for permanently assigning a user’s umask?
To make this change permanent for a user, it must be recorded in their profile file, located in their preferred shell.
Because Linux is used so often in the computer industry, many employers in the field assume that potential employees will have a lot of experience working with it. Because of this, it is essential to learn as much as you can about Linux before any technical interviews.
To prepare for a Linux interview, you need to know about the operating system in theory and practice. It’s also important to show that you can think logically, solve problems, and learn new things quickly during the interview.
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Overall, you will have a much better chance of getting hired and moving up in your chosen technology field if you go into a Linux interview fully prepared and sure of what you know and can do.