Cloud computing has made it easy for modern organizations to work and to build and run data centers. Because of this, companies have found new ways to cut costs while still getting the benefits of scalability and speed. AWS is still known as the first company to offer cheap hardware and services in the cloud on a large scale.
In this blog post we will talk about AWS cheat sheet, AWS solution architect cheat sheet, AWS cheat sheet for solution architect, aws cheat sheet for interview and aws cloud practitioner cheat sheet. This cheat sheet is not enough to fully understand AWS. But this cheat sheet is the best way to learn everything you need to know about AWS terms before you use AWS. This cheat sheet will help people who are looking for jobs in AWS.
What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing is when data and software services are stored and accessed over the internet. It does not save any information on your machine. It means that computer services like computers, data storage, networking, databases, etc., can be used whenever they are needed. The main purpose of cloud computing is to let many people use data centers.
Types of cloud computing:
- Public cloud: the resources and services are given by the third party and customers can avail it through the internet.
- Private cloud: the resources & services are managed by third party or in house specially for particular companies.
- Hybrid cloud: it is known as the combination of both private and public cloud types. Whether the services are run on a public or private network depends on many factors, such as how sensitive the data and apps are, any industry certifications and standards that must be met, etc.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a group of different Cloud Computing services and apps that offer solutions that are flexible, reliable, easy to use, and cheap.
Types of services offered by AWS
Management tools
- Cloudwatch: provides monitoring for applications and resources. It is also used to design different metrics.
- CloudFormation: helps to update and create a bunch of AWS related resources.
- CloudTrial: It provides more clear visibility about the use activity by tracking API calls done on account.
Storage Services
- S3: It stands for Simple Storage Service, which lets you store flat files and data objects of any kind in the cloud. It is safe, easy to use, and long-lasting.
- CloudFront: A Content Delivery Network is what CloudFront is. It gives end users a way to get information with low latency and fast data transfer speeds.
- Glacier: is a low-cost storage service that offers safe, long-term storage for archiving and backing up data for the long run.
- EFS, which stands for “Elastic File Storage,” is a file storage service that connects to various EC2 instances and is used in EC2 instances.
- Amazon EMR: Amazon Elastic MapReduce can help with big data jobs like web indexing, data mining, and analyzing log files.
- Data Pipeline: It makes it easier to move information from one service to another. It is a service that is used for regular processes that are driven by data.
- AWS Elasticsearch: It is a dedicated service that makes it easier to set up, run, and grow Elasticsearch.
- Kinesis: It makes it easier to work with data in the AWS cloud that is moving in real time.
- AWS Machine Learning is a service that lets us make smart apps quickly and easily.
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Developer Tools
- AWS Code commit: It is a service that manages and runs private Git repositories.
- AWS Code deploy: It is used for automating the code deployment.
- AWS Code pipeline: It is a service for continuous software delivery that lets us see and handle the steps needed to release software.
Enterprise Apps
- WorkSpace: It is a service in the cloud for fully controlled desktop computing.
- WorkDocs: It is a service for storing and sharing files that has strong management controls and feedback features that make users more productive.
- WorkMail: It is an email service with strong security controls and support for desktop and smartphone clients that are already out there.
Mobile Services
- Mobile Hub: It helps build, test, and keep track of how mobile apps are used.
- Cognito: AWS Cognito is a simple user-identity and data-synchronization service that helps users keep their app data safe and in sync across all of their mobile devices.
- Device Farm: It helps improve the quality of apps for Android, Fire OS, and iOS by testing them on the cloud with real phones and tablets.
- Mobile Analytics: It’s a service that makes it easy to collect, see, and understand how apps are used.
Security and Identity
- IAM: AWS IAM makes it easy to set up protection for all services. It is used to keep our other services safe and out of the hands of others.
- Directory Service: With AWS Directory Service, a controlled directory is set up in the cloud.
- Inspector: AWS inspector lets us look at how the apps we run on AWS behave and helps us find possible security problems.
Different kinds of EC2 computing instances
- General Instances: Used in places where efficiency and cost need to be balanced.
- Compute Instances: Used for apps that need the CPU to do a lot of work.
- Memory Instances: RAM is used for programs that need a lot of memory.
- Storage Instances: Used for apps that have a lot of space-consuming datasets
- GPU Instances: Used for programs that need to create a lot of graphics.
In this blog post we have included everything you can read before your aws job interviews to do your best. This cheat sheet will provide an edge over other competitors to get the job.