Dot Net Framework is a platform for making and running Windows applications that was made by Microsoft. The . Net framework is made up of tools for developers, computer languages, and libraries that can be used to make desktop and web apps. It is also used to make games, websites, and computer services.
In this blog post we will discuss the dot net interview questions and answers , dot net interview questions for freshers and dot net interview questions for experienced. This will help you to revise your basics before the interview.
Dot Net Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
- What do you understand about the dot net framework?
.NET is a free and open-source software development platform created by Microsoft. It gives you a framework for making different kinds of apps, such as desktop, web, mobile, gaming, and Internet of Things (IoT) apps. The platform has a set of libraries, runtime, and development tools that allow developers to build apps using different computer languages like C#, F#, and Visual Basic.
- What are the various components in dot net?
Common Language run-time
Application Domain
Common Type System
.NET Class Library
.NET Framework
- What do you understand about CLR?
CLR means common language run-time. It is a building block for many applications which provides a secure environment for applications.
When a C# program is built, its code is turned into a language called an intermediate language. After that, the code is sent to CLR, which does things like handle memory, check for security, load assemblies, and manage threads.
- What do you mean by CLS?
Common language specification lets developers use components that work with more than one language by giving them rules for how to do this. The code can then be used in other languages that work with.NET.

- What is CTS?
CTS means common type system. It follows rules about how a data type should be defined and used in the program code. CTS also talks about the types of info that will be used in the app. By following the rules in the CTS, we can even make our own classes and functions. This helps other programming languages call the data type stated in one programming language.
- How Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer are different from each other?
Response.Redirect sends the user’s computer to a different page or site. The user’s browser’s data is also changed to show the new address. It also makes a trip back to the client, where the new page is sent to the client’s computer.
Server.Transfer, on the other hand, moves from one page to another without going back to the client’s browser. In the case of Server.Transfer, the information is not changed.
- What do you mean by BCL?
- The Base Class Library (BCL) is a collection of classes, interfaces, and value types.
- It is the base on which.NET framework apps, components, and tools are built.
- Wraps up a large number of standard functions and makes them easy for developers to access.
- It has features like threading, input/output, security, analytics, resources, globalization, etc.
- Also lets the user and the software talk to each other.
- It also gives you access to namespaces that are used a lot. for eg: system, system.Activities, etc.
- What do you mean by MSIL?
MSIL is the Microsoft Intermediate Language. It tells you how to call methods, store and initialize data, deal with memory, handle exceptions, and so on. First, all of the.NET code is turned into Intermediate Language.
- What do you understand about LINQ?
It stands for “Language integrated query,” and it was first used in Visual Studio 2008. LINQ is a set of features that add query powers to the syntax of the.NET framework language. This makes it possible to change data no matter where it comes from. LINQ connects the world of things with the world of data.
- What do you mean by caching?
Caching simply means storing the data temporarily in the memory so that the data can be accessed from the memory instead of searching for it in the original place. It makes the tool work better and also makes it go faster.
Dot Net Interview Questions for Experienced
- Tell me about MDI and SDI?
- MDI stands for “Multiple Document Interface.” An MDI lets you open more than one window at the same time. It has one “parent” window and as many “child” windows as you want. The parts, like the menu bar, toolbar, etc., come from the parent window.
- SDI stands for “Single Document Interface,” which means that it starts each
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document in its own window. Each window has its own parts, like a menubar, a toolbar, and so on. So, it is not limited to the window it is inside of.
- What do you mean by MVC?
MVC is a framework for building.NET applications. It stands for “model view controller.”
- Model: They are the logical part of an application that stores and retrieves objects from the application’s database.
- View: View is in charge of the UI part of an app. For their show, they use the information from the models.
- Controllers handle how the user interacts with the app. They figure out how to respond to the user’s input and also draw the view that’s needed for the interaction.
- What do you understand about CAS?
CAS stands for code access security. It is part of a security model that keeps resources from being used by people who shouldn’t be able to. It also lets the users decide what rights the code should have. The code is then run by CLR based on the rights.
Only controlled code can be used with CAS. If a system uses CAS, it is seen as somewhat trustworthy. Even though it is checked every time an assembly wants to use the resources.
- Describe role based security?
With role-based security, security measures are put in place based on the role that each user in a company has been given. Then we can give users permission based on what their jobs are in the company. For instance, entry to Windows is based on roles, such as user, administrator, and guest.
- What do you mean by MIME?
MIME stands for “multipurpose internet mail extensions.” It is an addition to the e-mail system that lets people send files over the internet using e-mail.
- What is a delegate in DOT NET?
A delegate in DOT NET is like a function pointer in other computer languages like C or C++. A user can wrap the reference to a method in a delegate object using a delegate. Then, a program can pass in a delegate object, which will call the method it points to. Even a special event in a class can be made with the help of a delegate method.
- What do you understand by application domain?
ASP DOT NET adds the idea of an “application domain,” or “AppDomain,” which is like a small process that acts as both a container and a limit. The.NET runtime puts data and code inside the AppDomain. The CLR makes it possible for multiple.NET apps to run in the same AppDomain.
In this blog we have tried to cover all the important questions to remember for your Dot Net Interview. Hope all the questions and answers shared in the blog are clear to you. Go through it before your Dot Net interviews to ace it.