7 Must-Have Skills and Tools for Every Corporate Trainer

Do you wonder what it takes to excel as a corporate trainer and land gigs from corporate companies? In this blog, we have discussed the skills that separates a good corporate trainer from a great one. We have covered some of the essential skills of a corporate trainer – like communication, presentation, organization skills, etc – that you will need whether you take online or offline sessions. We have also covered the software that you will need to learn to make your job easier as a trainer. Whether you’re new to corporate training or looking to up upskill, this guide will give you a clear picture of what it takes to excel in this field and how EducationNest can help you.

7 Essential Skills for Corporate Trainers

To shine in a career as a corporate trainer, there are some skills you will need to develop first. Some of them you might know already like communication and presentation skills. Along with these obvious ones, we have discussed 7 essential corporate trainer skills for a resume to rise above the average crowd:

  1. Communication SkillsCommunication skills for corporate trainers are the bread and butter. No matter which company you work with, this will always be one of the most essential skills. You need to be able to explain things clearly without putting people to sleep. Good communication also means being a good listener. You need to understand what your trainees are asking to solve their doubts better.
  2. Presentation Skills: Training a team means you will have to speak in front of a lot of people. Essentially, you cannot work without good public speaking skills. This is a non-negotiable – you will have to be comfortable addressing groups of people. So, if you are not confident about addressing the crowd, it’s high time to develop this essential skill for corporate trainers. 
  3. Tech Skills: No, you don’t have to be a tech guy, but you should at least know how to use a desktop because your laptop will literally be your bread and butter as a trainer. If you can master some other tools like handling a projector, it’s definitely a plus! Overall, these technical skills for corporate trainers are an absolute must in your resume.
  4. Adaptability: Every group you train will be different. You will have to tweak your style to fit different people’s learning needs. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and you need to be able to think on your feet.
  5. Empathy: Empathy is a superpower for corporate training providers. Being able to guess how your trainees are feeling without them saying is a wonderful feeling. Some might be nervous about learning new things. Others might be excited. If you can navigate their feelings and modify your ways to train them accordingly, you will succeed!
  6. Organizational Skills: Undoubtedly, this is one of the most essential skills for corporate trainers. You have to juggle multiple training sessions and schedules as you start working with various corporates. Keeping things organized will be a plus point as you can stay on top of everything and avoid mishaps.
  7. Creativity: Finding interesting ways to keep your training sessions engaging is important. People tend to have very short attention spans these days. And if you can engage a class and effectively train them without them feeling bored, it is definitely a win!

Essential Tools For Corporate Trainers To Stand Out

But apart from the skills listed above, you will also need to work with a lot of different software as part of your daily life. The most obvious ones are video call software, whiteboards (to teach online), and making presentations. In this section, let’s look at some of the essential tools for a corporate trainer that will make your daily life easier:

  1. Digital Classroom (or LMS) Most trainers use Moodle, Blackboard, and Canvas to conduct classes. These popular digital classroom tools include features that help you create a course, set an assignment submission date, run a discussion forum, and track the progress of your trainees. These are the most basic tools that you cannot function without, especially when managing large-scale training batches.
  2. Presentation Software Presentation skills using PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides are a must-have for corporate trainers for creating course presentations. Features like animations and transitions can help emphasize key points and maintain audience interest. If you don’t have the experience, you might need to look into corporate training courses for presentation skills.
  3. Screen RecordersAs a corporate training provider, sometimes you will need to give people tutorials on how to do something. Tools like Camtasia and Loom lets you record your screen and voice both. This is particularly useful for software training or creating how-to videos. 
  4. Video Calling ToolsWith more training happening online, tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet are essential. They allow for live, interactive sessions with features like screen sharing, breakout rooms, and virtual whiteboards. This makes remote training almost as engaging as in-person sessions.
  5. Interactive WhiteboardAlthough an easy thing to master, this is yet another important skill for corporate trainers. Online classes are badmouthed for lack of clarity. Digital whiteboards (like Miro or Jamboard) are great for breaking down complex ideas. Digital whiteboards that are popular today have the added advantage of being saveable and shareable. Meaning – you can share your notes after the session easily.
  6. Content Creation ToolsSometimes you will have to create your own training materials. Among free options, Canva is the most popular one for creating professional-looking courses and presentations. For audio content, you will most commonly have to work with Audacity to record and edit audio and add it to your courses. For video editing, you have the good old Adobe Premiere or you can also explore DaVinci Resolve to create engaging video content. Content creation falls under the most essential skills needed for corporate training.
  7. Project Management ToolsTo manage multiple projects easily when you are working with a lot of companies, you will need some tools to keep track of everything. There are multiple PM tools available today like Trello, Asana, or Monday.com. These are often used by corporate training providers to organize to-do lists, set deadlines, and collaborate with other team members.


We hope that our blog on ‘essential skills and tools for corporate trainers’ helped you gain some perspective. With the right mix of skills and tools, you can become an outstanding corporate trainer, creating engaging and effective training sessions that make a real difference. If you’re looking to improve your corporate training skills, we can help. As a leading corporate training provider, EducationNest offers cutting-edge training solutions tailored to your organization’s needs. Whether you need help with skill development, leadership training, or customized learning programs, EducationNest is your trusted partner in corporate education. Contact us today!

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