15 Best Books to Master Soft Skills 

There has been a massive change in the ways businesses function today. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, workplaces have transformed significantly. There is more demand for a flexible, adaptive, and supportive workforce that can effectively navigate through the dynamically changing business landscape.

Businesses today emphasize more on soft skills than hard skills. As per a Fobes report, by 2030, two-thirds of all jobs will be soft-skill-intensive occupations. Developing these interpersonal skills can give you a distinct advantage and broaden your career horizons. 

Corporate training programs can help you expand your skill set and immensely boost workplace efficiency. Education Nest is a trustworthy corporate training platform that has trained more than 3,50,000 professionals so far. It has a wide range of proficient programs designed exclusively by industry-specific experts for maximum results. 

Harvard and Stanford research studies have already established that 85% of professional success results from well-developed soft skills. So, hard skills contribute to only 15% of job performance. Therefore, working towards improving people skills is crucial for maximum results. 

So, what are some of the best resources for building these essential skills? 

Here, we have compiled the best books that can help you develop soft skills. Read on.

Best Books for Soft Skills

So, what are the best books for soft skills? These are the ones that make it easier for you to understand the importance of these power skills and also suggest efficient methods to strengthen them. 

Check out the 15 best books that can teach you soft skills and positively impact your professional performance:

  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)

This book highlights the importance of character and personality ethics and helps you develop healthy habits for greater fulfillment. It discusses practical principles for personal and professional development. Thus, this book can enhance your soft skills and positively impact your workplace performance. 

  1. Getting Things Done (David Allen)

Getting Things Done is a timeless book packed with valuable insights for improving soft skills. It highlights a structured framework for effective task management and stress-free performance. The author connects the importance of a clear mind and organized thoughts for better productivity. 

  1. Relational Intelligence (Dharius Daniels)

This book is remarkable for understanding people skills and how healthy relationships can boost your potential. It also has a spiritual dimension and focuses on Jesus’ relational framework to explain the importance of relational intelligence. Still, it is non-preachy and suggests actionable steps for developing more substantial connections. 

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People(Dale Carnegie)

Although Dale Carnegie wrote this about 80 years ago, it is still relevant and considered one of the best books for developing soft skills. It is packed with wisdom and learning and discusses the key principles for effective interactions. This book is a bestseller and has sold over 30 million copies.

  1. Emotional Intelligence 2.0(Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves)

This book navigates through Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in detail and stresses its importance in developing better relationships. Emotional Intelligence is a core soft skill crucial for personal and social competence. It’s a must-read if you want to improve social awareness and relationship management.

  1. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success(Carol S. Dweck)

This soft skills book promotes a growth mindset for hard work and limitless potential. The author is convinced that developing intelligence and abilities with an open approach towards life is possible. A fixed mindset restricts change and innovation and limits learning opportunities, too. 

  1. Crucial Conversations (Kerry Peterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, AI Switzler)

This book is highly recommended for effective communication skills. It discusses how conversations have lasting impacts and it is essential to handle them correctly. The authors also elaborate on a set of effective methods for mastering social communications. 

  1. The Art of Communicating (Thich Nhat Hanh)

As the name suggests, this book helps you understand the art of communication for deeper relationships. It delves deep into interpersonal and relationship skills with stories, metaphors, and exercises. The author, a Buddhist monk, discusses the importance of mindfulness for compassionate conversations. 

  1. Essentialism: A Guide to a Curated Life ( Gary Posner)

This book promotes essentialism as a new soft skill. It is based on the principle that essential tasks can improve productivity immensely and help you stay focused and disciplined. It adds depth and encourages people to re-evaluate their practices and way of living.  

  1. Teamwork 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know (John C. Maxwell)

Teamwork is a super essential soft skill. Thus, it is important to focus on effective collaboration for better business outcomes. Leaders must be especially aware of its importance and how collective efforts can make a huge difference. The author is a leadership expert and has also written books on other soft skills like self-improvement, relationships, ethics, success, and more.

  1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Robert Cialdini)

It is an exciting read that offers a crisp and clear understanding of the psychology of compliance. Robert Cialdini has highlighted six principles of persuasion and presented insightful examples to relate better. This book can help you immensely in your professional journey.

  1. Dare to Lead (Brene Brown)

This book is about leadership, and it goes beyond traditional approaches and reframing age-old ideas. The author discusses business relationships and how leadership is not related to perfectionism. Instead, she considers vulnerability and empathy as more essential traits of a successful leader. 

  1. Deep Work (Carl Newport)

The book offers a comprehensive perspective on work ethics. It identifies distraction and multitasking as major reasons for lack of focus. The author also provides a rigorous training regimen for promoting a strong work culture that can produce massive benefits. 

  1. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire to Take Actions (Simon Sinek)

The book clearly outlines what makes great leaders. The author discusses successful business models and their leadership styles for better explanation. It also highlights how inspiration is a critical leadership trait and can drive better results within the team. 

  1. The Effective Executive (Peter F. Drucker)

This book also elaborately discusses effective leadership qualities and how one can develop them. It was written long back, in 1967, but is still relevant in today’s market scenario. Thus, The Effective Executive is a must-read for discovering the best managerial secrets. 

Final Thoughts 

The above books discuss soft skills with unique perspectives and valuable insights. They present practical strategies, case studies, stories and narratives, and real-world scenarios for better clarity. Do read them to understand the essential attributes and attitudes for professional excellence.  

Consider Education Nest’s learning programs, which extensively focus on industry-relevant content and practical training to develop workplace-essential skills. These programs are designed exclusively for corporate setups and can remarkably boost workplace performance.

If you want to know more details, reach out to us today.


  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryanrobinson/2024/04/04/soft-skills-in-the-workplace/
  2. https://www.educationnest.com/
  3. https://www.nationalsoftskills.org/the-soft-skills-disconnect/ 
  4. https://educationnest.com/courses/
  5. https://educationnest.com/ 

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