Hiring managers are asking Java to engineers-to-be more questions than ever about their experience with Spring Boot Interview Questions. Developers can use Spring Boot, an open-source Java-based spring module with many valuable features, to make applications ready to be used quickly and easily. This framework is the most popular and useful way to build Java web apps and microservices that can grow as needed.
You’ve come to the right place to learn everything there is to know about the subject. Here is a list of the most common interview questions and answers about spring boots. This will help you get ready for your interview and do well.
In this article, we will cover the following topics:
- Spring boot interview questions for freshers
- Spring boot interview questions for experienced professionals
What does “spring boot” mean?
Spring Boot is an excellent way for Java programmers to make a Spring application that works well and is ready for production. You don’t have to configure Spring before you can use it fully. Just a few basic settings are enough.
Here are some of the things that programmers like about Spring Boot:
- Spring software is simple to learn and create.
- Increases productivity
- and shortens the time it takes to grow.
Goals Of Spring Boot
- The idea behind Spring Boot was to keep Spring’s XML settings simple so Spring apps could be made more quickly and easily.
- For faster software deployment and operation without a computer.
- Make it easier for new users to get the program going.
Spring boot interview questions for freshers
- Spring boot interview questions for 2 to 3 years of experience
How to make a Spring Boot app with Maven
There are different ways to put together a Spring Boot project.
- One of the following ways can be used to build an application.
- Using the corresponding Wizard to start a new Spring Maven project
- Initializer Spring
- A Guide to the Spring Boot Command Line Interface
What are some excellent ways to start the spring season?
“Starters” are a group of simple dependency descriptors that can be added to our program.
Spring Boot comes with “starters” that are already set up. These “starters” speed up and simplify the development process. With the spring-boot-starter-data-JPA dependency, your project will have everything it needs to start using Spring and JPA to connect to a database.
Describe a spring boot actuator briefly
Actuator is a Spring Boot feature that lets us keep an eye on and control our app. Actuator has places where HTTP can be sent. Once your app runs in a live environment, you can use HTTP endpoints to manage and monitor it.
Here’s how to start a new Spring Boot project with Spring Initializer.
It is a web app that you can get for free from Spring’s website. You can set up a Spring Boot project by entering some basic information about the project.
Describe the different stages of the RAD model
Some of the stages of RAD mode are:
- The product is made with a business model that considers how the information will be shared and spread through the different sales channels.
- In data modeling, the results of business modeling are used to create a set of valuable data objects.
- During the development of the program, called “application generation,” automatic tools are used to turn process and data models into examples of software that work.
How do you set up a Spring Boot app to use a port that is not the default?
The Server. Port properties must be set in application.properties before running the Spring Boot application.
One example is the Server.port=8050 line.
What does “spring boot starter” mean? What exactly do you get out of this?
You can start using Spring Boot in a lot of great ways. They make it easier to talk about how things depend on each other. You can easily add these labels to your pom.xml file by using Starter.
Add “spring-boot-starter-web” to your pom.xml file if you want to use Spring MVC.
Can Spring applications still use Spring Boot?
You can’t do that because Spring Boot only works with Spring apps.
What is “Dev Tools” about Spring Boot?
With the help of Spring Boot DevTools, a developer can do more work. Because of this, you won’t have to relaunch your app every time you make a change. The developer can load the updated code without having to restart the server.
What are some of Spring Boot’s most notable qualities?
The most significant parts of Spring Boot are:
- Features of Web Application Spring Development Situations in applications and who uses them
- Thoughts from the Administration
- There is type-safe configuration support in YAML files, and
- Configuration parameters are stored outside of the file.
- Spring boot interview questions for 5 to 7 years of experience
What are the different ways to build Spring Boot applications?

There are a few ways to get started on a spring boot project:
Spring Initializr allows you to create a Spring Boot project and then import it into any IDE (Eclipse STS, Eclipse, IntelliJ concept, VS Code, Netbeans). Spring Initializr allows you to create a Spring Boot project and import it into any IDE (Eclipse STS, Eclipse, IntelliJ concept, Visual Studio Code, Netbeans).
The second way uses STS (Eclipse Spring Starter) to make a Spring Boot project immediately.
Spring Boot CLI is a tool for quickly making Spring applications run from the command line.
What version of Java is the bare minimum that will work with Spring Boot 3?
Spring Boot 3.0 can’t be used without Java 17. Because of this, you also need Spring Framework 6.0.
How do you run a Spring Boot app, and what choices are there?
Spring Boot applications can be run using several different implementations of Spring Boot. Here are the ways I’ve found to get a Spring Boot app running in an IDE.
- Running from an IDE
- Running as a Packaged Application
- Using the Maven Plugin
- Using External Tomcat
- Using the Gradle Plugin
How many different kinds of projects can we make with Spring Boot?
Using the Spring Boot starting dependencies, we can make three different kinds of applications.
Spring Boot apps can be put into three groups:
- For simplicity, we’ll assume that a spring-boot-starter dependency in the classpath means that the application uses spring boot.
- A spring boot application is a servlet if the spring-boot-starter-web dependency is in the classpath.
- The spring-boot-starter-web flux requirement in the classpath of an application shows that it is a reactive spring boot application.
How to Use Jetty Rather Than Tomcat for the ChanTomcating Boot Initialization Web Application
Change the Tomcat dependency of spring-boot-starter-default-web to spring-boot-starter-jetty:
How are @SpringBootTest and @WebMvcTest different?
We use the @SpringBootTest Annotation, which loads the whole application context, to make it easier to test individual parts. The @SpringBootTest Annotation tells Spring Boot to start a Spring application context using the primary configuration class, such as one with the @SpringBootApplication Annotation.
The @WebMvcTest Annotation keeps the whole application from loading by only loading the controller and the things it needs. You can test individual Spring MVC controllers with the @WebMvcTest Annotation instead of loading all controllers and their dependencies. This is especially helpful if your Spring Boot project has a lot of controllers (such as EmployeeController, UserController, LoginController, etc.).
Integration testing is done with the @SpringBootTest Annotation, part of Spring Boot.
You can use the @WebMvcTest Annotation with Spring Boot to ensure your Spring MVC controllers work correctly (unit testing).
Spring boot interview questions for experienced professionals
- Spring boot interview questions for 10+ years of experience
Here are some more advanced Spring Boot interview questions for people with at least ten years of experience.
How do you get to the properties of the environment in a Spring Boot app?
To answer your question, Spring Boot has a built-in method for setting the different target environments. A spring profile can also have the same name. But before doing that, you must create the environment.properties file in the resources/leading directory and put the application’s settings in it. After you do these two things, the environment file will be loaded immediately.
What exactly is an IOC container?
An IOC container is another thing that candidates with ten years of experience with Spring Boot are often asked about. An IOC container is the framework that allows for automatically injecting dependencies. It can be used to manage the creation and lifecycle of objects and to add dependencies to classes, among other things. You must make an object of a particular type to use an IOC container. Also, it must inject all dependency objects at runtime and get rid of them correctly when the time comes. So, you no longer have to create or manage objects by hand.
What exactly is Spring Boot Dependency Management?
This question is one of the most critical and ordinary when looking for people with five years of experience with Spring Boot. Spring Boot makes it easy to manage dependencies and configurations. Users of Spring Boot are given a list of required dependencies and those that are not. Maven can also use this list. At the very least, the version of the dependencies must be given. When you update Spring Boot, it also updates everything that it needs.
How well can Spring Boot be used to create a custom login page?
Here’s an example of a more advanced Spring Boot interview question that often comes up. With Spring Security, you can use Spring Boot to make a simple login page. All users depend on Spring security because they must use the predefined HTTP form from Spring to get to the application. There are still a few other things to consider, such as adding the spring-boot-starter-security dependency to the build. Gradle. You will be given an initial login name and password to get in.
How do I use Spring Boot to make an app that isn’t a web app?
Spring Boot makes it easy to build an app that doesn’t connect to the internet. To get started, ensure your program’s Run method and the CommandLineRunner interface are set up correctly. The “run” method is one of the essential parts of your application.
“Spring Data JPA and Hibernate are not the same.” Briefly explain this statement
Hibernate is a way to use the Java Persistence API (JPA), which lets you map Java objects to relational databases (Object-Relational Mapping, or ORM). Hibernate converts Java data types to SQL (Structured Query Language) data types and maps Java classes to database tables, so developers don’t have to write SQL scripts to store data.
On the other hand, Spring Data JPA, part of Spring Data, hides the DAL (Data Access Layer) using JPA and object-relational mapping tools like Hibernate. Spring Data JPA aims to make JPA repositories easier to set up and use, making DAL implementations much better than they are now.
What’s the difference between @Controller Annotation and @RestController Annotation?
By convention, the @Controller Annotation in Spring means that the class being marked is a controller. Simply put, this is a particular case of the @Component Annotation, and as the runtime goes through the classpath, it finds it automatically. Handler methods that are marked up and based on @RequestMapping are used with the @Controller Annotation.
The @RestController Annotation can be used by developers when making RESTful web services with the Spring Model-View-Controller framework (MVC). Spring’s @RestController is in charge of sending HTTP requests to the proper action methods. The @RestController then changes the response body made by the handler method to either XML or JSON.
What HTTP methods can be used to build a restful Spring Boot service?
Here are a few of the essential HTTP methods that can be used in a spring boot rest service:
The GET method is part of the HTTP protocol and is used to decide how the data is shown. If set to read-only mode, sensitive information can be kept safe. The results are also idempotent, meaning they don’t change no matter how often they are used.
The POST method of the restful API is the way to go for resource collections. Use POST on the parent resource to make new resources with the proper hierarchy. Everyone wins when developers can specify resources and keep the code from getting messed up.
Changes can be made to a resource with the PUT restful API method. It does this by rewriting all the data from that source. Today, this is the most common way to keep data up-to-date.
You can also change your resources with PATCH. The POST method doesn’t completely change the content of the help by adding new data. Instead, it just updates the data that is already there. You shouldn’t use PATCH unless you plan to update all of your content’s resources.
Use the DELETE HTTP method to get rid of a specific resource. But there is no guarantee that it will be used the same way every time.
How do I add my script written in JS to Spring Boot? (Question No.78)
If you follow these steps in Spring Boot, you’ll be able to add your own JS code:
Inside the Resources folder, make a new folder and call it Static.
Your static files should go there. An excellent place to start is /src/main/resources/static.
The script src=”/js/myStatic.js”>/script> is the proper reference for myStatic.js.
How to debug Spring Boot applications with Eclipse?
- First, use SSH to connect to the Server and set up a port forwarding tunnel.
- Please keep the SSH connection open. Select Debug Configurations from the Eclipse Toolbar > Run > Debug Configurations menu.
- Select “Remote Java Application” after clicking “NEW.”
- Socket Attach should be set as the default connection type.
- Pick LocalHost as the host and the port number you want.
- Just click on “Apply and Debug.”
We have answered the most common spring interview questions for everyone, from first-year students to professionals with 10+ years of work experience.
If the job description for your upcoming Java interview said something about the Spring framework, you should study up on Spring Boot interview questions to make sure you do well. Almost all businesses are switching from older ways of using the Spring framework for Java development to the newer and more efficient Spring Boot method.
This article has helped you learn more about this Java-based framework and what makes it stand out.