Learn how to convert integer to string in Java with our beginner-friendly guide. Get step-by-step instructions and examples. Start coding today!
Java is a programming language which takes data and data types carefully. Thus, the Java programming language supports many data types, each with its background and set of conditions. It is necessary to understand the insights of any data type and how it will affect your software development.
This article will help you to know how to effectively change the data type of an integer to a string. You will understand its theory, learn practical implementation details, and apply the knowledge gained to your code. You will also learn the terminology and learn to convert int to String in java 8 with some examples of the most effective and new approaches.
What Is Integer to String in Java?
Using this method which is called “int to string conversion,” you can change an integer (of type int) in a Java program into a string.
It can store numbers, the int data type represents integers. Apart from this, a string is a bunch of characters which can include anything from numbers, letters and symbols.
When we change an int to a string, we make that string to look like a number. This is helpful in many programming tasks, such as showing numbers in an user interface or storing them in a database where they can be changed and shown as strings.
The built-in Java function toString consists of two parts: [native code] and String.
Along with sequences, you can also use function valueOf() { [native code] }() methods to change integers into strings. With these functions, it’s easy to turn an integer into a string and do something with that String.
How Can We Convert Integer to String in Java?

Integer to String conversion in Java:
Using Integer. toString(int)
The Integer class provides a static method, toString(int), that returns a String object representing the int parameter sent to the function. This method can generate a NullPointer Exception, which is not the term with the others programs. Java allows users to do conversions, like turning integers into strings. One option is the function toStringmethod, which can also be found in many other Java classes. Let’s look at some different ways to do things that can accomplish the same thing.
- Java Convert Int to String Using the ToString Method
Its task is to turn various types of data into strings. As an example, the Java programming language has a function on the Integer class called function function
toString() { [native code] }() [native code] () that turns an integer into a string. Now let’s talk about how to say that.
The code generated before is straightforward to understand. It uses the function toString method of the Integer class, which is a static function (). In other words, the process can take a number as input and return a string that shows what that number is. Most of the time, a variable or value is passed in that the developer made up on the spot.
- Java Convert Int to String Using the ValueOf Method
This is followed by the Java String Class function valueOf() { [native code] }() [native code] (), which takes a number and returns it as a string. The String Class’s function valueOf() { [native code] }() [native code] () method takes a number and turns it into a string that shows what it means. In the following code sample, the syntax of the function valueOf() { [native code] }() [native code] () method is shown.
You link the method you want to use and give it a number to convert, just like you would with the function toString() { [native code] }() [native code] () method; by first calling the class, it comes from, which in this case is the String class.
Java Convert String Using the Format Method
Another way to convert int data types to strings is to use the format() method, which belongs to the String class. Like the above two methods, you can call the class name and chain the process you want to utilize.
The most significant difference with this method is that it needs two parameters passed to work. It first requires a pattern that determines the format the String should be returned in, and the second parameter is the number in the form of an int or Integer. Let’s look at the syntax for this method next.
String.format(“%d”, Variable/Number);
This syntax is again similar to the above methods, with the one difference being the formatting parameter. Since this method can convert many data types into strings, it has several formatting options. For example, you must pass in two symbols when converting several int or integer types. The first symbol is the percentage symbol indicating any suitable pattern, and the second symbol dictates what kind of data it should convert. When combined, the two symbols tell the compiler that it can accept any combination of numbers as long as they are int or Integer.
- Java Convert Int to String Using Concatenation
The concatenation technique is the last way to convert int to a string. It is necessary to know that it may behave unpredictably with specific numbers. However, in the case of data types, it works very well to convert them into strings.
String numStr = 100 + “”;
The process is relatively straightforward; you add an empty string value to your number, similar to JavaScript typecasting. Then, it invokes a series of function calls to complete the process in Java. For example, it starts by constructing a StringBuilder object, then appending the Integer, and finally, it calls the toString() method on the number. However, these extra steps can be taxing on JVM memory.
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Following Are the Methods to Convert Int to String in Java 8 And Android:
Using the static method of the Integer class – toString(int i):
int num = 456;
String str = Integer.toString(num);
Using the static method of the String class – valueOf(int i):
int num = 456;
String str = String.valueOf(num);
Using concatenation with an empty string:
int num = 456;
String str = “” + num;
Using the StringJoiner class:
int num = 456;
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(“”);
String str = sj.toString();
Using the StringBuilder class:
int num = 456;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String str = sb.toString();
These methods will successfully convert an int to a string in Java 8 and android.
How To Choose The Best Way To Convert Int To String In Java?
In Java, there are many possible ways to convert int to a string, but the Best Way To Convert Int To String In Java depends upon the exact need of the user and requirements . A few factors to consider in mind when selecting the best method are :
- Performance: If you want to perform the conversions many times, then you want to select a method that is faster and more effective, for instance, the toString () method of the integer class.
- Consistency: If a project has established coding standards, you have to follow these standards and choose a consistent method.
- Error Handling: You have to handle errors during the conversion process and then choose a method with built-in error handling, such as the parseInt() method.
- Readability: If the user wants to write the code with clarity and to be easily understood, then you should choose a clear and easy-to-read method, such as concatenation.
Changing integer values into strings is something that is done often. This article showed you how this procedure works and how it will help you in your programming career. You’ve learned about different ways to reach this goal and seen examples of how each method works.
This is a complicated subject, and the only way to learn how it works is to use what you’ve learned in real life. You will fully understand its limits once you try other ways to convert from int to String and push it to its limits.