In this blog post, we will learn the concepts on the method overloading in Java and the rules and practices that developers should know while using these concepts
Java is a widely used as an object-oriented programming language for developing various applications. One of its best features of Java is the method of overriding and overloading; these two are main concepts in object-oriented programming. These two methods provide developers with skills to create adaptive and reusable code and improve the performance and efficiency of their programs..
This blog will also provide illustrations and examples to explain these concepts and tell the difference between overriding and overloading.
Therefore, we will compare the concepts of overloading and overriding in Java to those in other programming languages, such as python and c, to understand their differences and similarities. Till the end of this post, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of the methods of overloading and overriding in Java and work effectively on these programming languages.
What is method overloading in Java?
Method overloading in java is a fantastic feature in Java that enables developers to run multiple methods with the same name in a class. Using different parameters in every way, the developers can make functions that perform the same procedure with other inputs. This is an example of how Java supports polymorphism when an object can act like another or copies any other object.
Overloading methods targets to make code easier to read and more productive. Instead of writing a new plan for every new task, developers can save time by giving the same name to several ways that are only different in their parameters. This makes the code easier to read and understand, which makes the developer’s job easier and increases output.
In Java, two or more methods with the same name but different sets of arguments are needed to overload a plan. Other numbers and kinds of parameters are used for each of these approaches. Overloading doesn’t care what methods return, so their signatures can differ.
Here is an example of method overloading in Java:
Public class Calculator {
public int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
public int add(int a, int b, int c) {
return a + b + c;
public double add(double a, double b) {
return a + b;
In this example, we have defined three methods called ‘add.’ Although the first two processes have the same name and functions and can add two or three integers, they have changed in their argument lists. Similar to the last process, the third can accept two digit double values. The third function returns a double, while the first two returns as an integer. The programmer will choose the implementation based on the amount and kind of parameters completed to the add function.
The programmer decides which version of the add method to use based on how many and what kind of arguments are passed to the process. For example, the first method would be called if add(2, 3), the second method would be called if add(2, 3, 4), and the third method would be called if add (2.5, 3.7).
By using method overloading, developers can make code that is shorter and less likely to have mistakes. Developers can create their code more logical, easier to understand, and more up-to-date over time by using descriptive method names and a consistent way to handle parameter lists.
Best Practices for Method Overloading

Java’s overloading method is robust and valuable, but developers still need to follow some rules to ensure their code is easy to read and maintain. Tips for getting the most out of Java’s method overloading:
- Use descriptive method names: It’s crucial to give each method a word that appropriately describes its performance when creating overloaded methods. Doing so reduces the likelihood of errors, making the code more accessible for other programmers to understand.
- Be consistent in parameter order: For code to be easier to understand and predict, it’s a good idea to keep the order of the parameters the same across all overloaded methods. This ensures that developers don’t have to guess what each way does, and it reduces mistakes caused by the wrong order of parameters.
- Use specific parameter types: It is best not to overload methods with parameters of uncertain type. Instead, use clear and explicit types to reduce the risk of mistakes and make the code easier to read.
- Avoid overloading with unrelated methods: Technically, it is possible to overload methods with different names and different functions, but this is not recommended. This can make the code harder to read and understand and more challenging to keep up with as time goes on.
- Be careful with autoboxing and varargs: Be cautious and watch out for potential issues while utilizing autoboxing (converting a primitive type to its proper wrapper class) with varargs (allowing a variable amount of arguments to be given into a method). For instance, odd issues and unintended consequences may arise when autoboxing and varargs are utilized in the same process.
What is method overriding?
The method of overriding means when a subclass implements a technique already defined as a parent class. Java uses the relationship between parent and child classes to govern inheritance. When two types have methods with the same name, arguments, or parameters, the sequence of execution remains the same. This is so because the object itself chooses the best course of action.
A method must have the same name, return type, and list of parameters as the implementation in the parent class for a subclass to override it correctly. By doing this, each time a function is called on an instance of the superclass, the subclass can substitute its implementation for the original one.
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How Does Method Overriding Work?
When a method is called on a class instance, Java searches for the most specific implementation of the way. Java will therefore utilize the performance from the subclass rather than the implementation from the parent class if the function is overridden in a subclass.
For example, consider the following code:
class Animal {
public void speak() {
System.out.println(“The animal speaks!”);
class Dog extends Animal {
public void speak() {
System. out.println(“The dog barks!”);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal animal = new Animal();
Dog dog = new Dog();
animal.speak(); // Output: The animal speaks!
dog.speak(); // Output: The dog barks!
In this part, the Animal class and the Dog class are used as examples. The speak() method of the Animal class sends a message to the terminal. A dog is a subclass of animals. It changes the speak() method to do things that only dogs can do.
Let’s create instances of Dog and Animal to demonstrate this, then use speak() on each of them to compare the results. Java always employs the version of a method that requires the least amount of work, which is why this occurs. An animal calling. Java invokes the speak() method on the Animal class when you use the speak() method with a dog. When speak() is invoked, the Dog class’s speak() function is utilized.
Best Practices for Method Overriding
To use method overriding effectively in Java, there are a few best practices that developers should follow:
- Follow the Liskov Substitution Principle: The Liskov Substitution Principle says that subclass objects can be used instead of things from the parent class without breaking the program. So, the subclass must keep how the method works in a way that could cause problems in other parts of the code.
- Avoid changing the method signature: Keeping the same signature as the parent class when overriding a method is essential. If the method signature is changed, Java might not recognize it as an override, which could cause problems for the program.
- Be careful when throwing exceptions: when you override a method in a subclass, it is essential to pay attention when you are throwing exceptions because if the parent class, the process throws an exception, the subclass method can either throw the same Exception or a subclass of the Exception. The application may have trouble if the subclass method throws an exception from the superclass or a different exception. For example, consider the following code:
class Animal {
public void makeSound() throws IOException {
System.out.println(“The animal makes a sound”);
class Dog extends Animal {
// This is valid because IOException is a subclass of Exception
public void make sound() throws Exception {
throw new Exception(“The dog barks”);
- Use the @Override annotation; The @Override annotation can be used to show that the way a method is implemented in a subclass is better than how it is implemented in the parent class. This ensures that the proper method signature is being used and the method is being overridden.
For example:
class Animal {
public void makeSound() {
System.out.println(“The animal makes a sound”);
class Dog extends Animal {
public void make sound() {
System.out.println(“The dog barks”);
In this example, the makeSound() method in the Dog class overrides the makeSound() method in the Animal class. The @Override annotation indicates that the process is intended to override a way in the parent class.
What Are The Rules Of Method Overloading And Overriding In Java
The rules which Java uses method overloading and overriding to make the code more flexible and easy to use. Here are the rules for each of them:
Method Overloading:
- Methods must have the same name, but their lists of parameters (the number, order, or types of parameters) must be different (number, order, or types of parameters).
There can be more than one method with the same name in a single class as long as the parameter lists are different. Java will decide which way to call based on the number, order, and types of parameters given in the method call.
For example:
public void print(int x) {
System.out.println(“The integer value is ” + x);
public void print(double x) {
System.out.println(“The double value is ” + x);
These two methods have the same name, “print,” but one takes an integer parameter, and the other takes a double parameter. You can call them like this:
Example ex = new Example();
The first call will invoke the print(int x) method, and the second call will gather the print(double x) process.
- The method’s return type does not matter in overloading.Java lets you make methods with the same name and list of parameters but different return types. Even though Java doesn’t care about the return type, this is not method overloading. This means that methods with the same name but different parameters can be used more than once.
- The method’s exceptions can be the same or different from the access modifiers (public, private, protected) used. By overloading, you can change a method’s access modifier (public, private, or protected) or the errors it throws. Only the name of the way and the list of its parameters have to be the same.
- Constructors can also be overloaded in Java. Constructors can be used more than once, just like methods. This means that a class can have more than one function Object() { [native code] }, each with its own set of parameters. Each Object() function in native code only needs to be able to take different arguments.
In today’s world, method overloading and overriding methods are very essential for Java development, especially when making a software for large scale systems . By adding flexibility, reusability, and efficiency, they help developers to write code that is simple and short and easy to read, and easier to keep up to date.
Method overloading enables the development of methods with the same name but different parameters to accomplish both objectives. It promotes code reuse and aids in avoiding naming conflicts. Programmers can create more resilient, reusable, and low-maintenance code using method overloading.
On the other hand, When making complex systems with many classes, the ability to override methods is essential. You can change or add to the subclass you make to create a plan in the superclass that works better. This is the key to object-oriented programming’s polymorphism, which lets different objects respond to the same method call differently. By overriding methods, programmers can reuse code while improving or changing the original goal of the technique.
Overall, using method overloading and overriding in Java is crucially important for building of high-quality software systems that are easy to run, maintain and extend. They are powerful tools developers should be familiar with and use appropriately to create effective, efficient, and scalable code.