We will discuss manual testing Interview and different scenarios of manual testing. Interview questions for both freshers and experienced professionals are covered in this article.
Manual testing requires the tester to have a lot of patience, think creatively, and be open to innovative ideas.
Because both the testers and the people who will use the software are humans, manual testing is an essential part of making software that people will like. They need to think like an end user.
In this article, we will cover the following points:
- Manual Testing Interview Questions for freshers
- Manual Testing Interview Questions for experienced professionals
What is precisely “manual testing”?
“Manual testing” is the process of testing software by hand instead of using automated tools. Manual testing is done to find and fix any bugs or problems in the software. Manual software testing is the most basic way to test and can be used to find serious bugs in the program.
Before using automated tests, new software must be tested by hand first. It is best to automate software tests, but it is essential to check first to see if they can be done by hand. The ideas behind manual testing can be used even if you need to learn how to use specific testing tools. One of the essential rules of software testing is that “100% automation is not possible.” This is why manual testing is so important.
Example of Manual Testing
Manual testing is a great way to find out how easy and accessible a product is to use and how useful it is. For example, if you wanted to open an online shop, you’d like to make sure of the following things:
- Improve browser and device compatibility
- Checking out is easy and quick.
- Quickly load pictures with a high resolution
- Here are some links to social media sites.
The codes that run these features would be tested by hand to ensure they work the way the client wants them to. Thus, manual testers can give feedback not only on how the site works but also on how it looks and how easy it is to use.
What is the manual testing scenario?
With the Manual Test Scenario, a picture of a chain of related actions or steps, you can set up many situations to test for a single functional area. A test case tells you exactly how to try something, while a test scenario tells you what is being tested. A test scenario is often made up of many test cases. The related test cases check every possible combination of inputs and outputs along the functional path, also called the domain. Each test case has a goal and value assigned to it in a scenario. Here is a list of things you can do to ensure that the conditions in the system are proper:
A test scenario could be a group of independent tests that, when done, make sure the whole business process flow is consistent. Because the results of one test can be used to figure out how to interpret the results of another, it may be best to do the tests in the order they are listed. They always do things that are both common and unusual.
“Validate the Login Page” can mean a group of test cases that ensure the login page works correctly in different situations, like when the wrong username and password are entered, when “Remember Me” is turned on, and when the password is changed. “User logged in with invalid credentials” might be a better choice. In the alternative scenario, the test cases would focus on failed attempts to log in. How broad or narrow the system is will depend on the quality assurance manager who makes it, how much time is available for scenario and test case preparation, and the details of the app being tested.
Manual testing scenario-based interview questions

What do you mean when you say that you re-created the bug? What should be done if you can’t find the bug?
A “bug” is any flaw that can be found, like when you click a button but don’t get the result you expected. If the developer can’t find this strange thing, he may ask us to show him how to create the bug. If a client tells us there’s a problem in the production environment, we have to make the problem happen in the test environment.
If the developer can’t find the bug, it’s returned to the person who found it, or another meeting or informal meeting is set up, like a walkthrough. If this happens, we can mark the bug as fixed and change its status to “working well.”
If a problem is found during testing, what should the tester do? Explain?
Before sending the bug to the team leader, ensure it is still a problem and valid. The team leader will check to see if the bug is natural before sending the information to the developer, who needs to know about it.
If we can’t make the problem happen again, we’ll do more tests to determine other possible causes. If we can’t find out what’s wrong, we’ll close the door and hope it doesn’t open again.
How can we use the requirements to help us make test cases? How well can the requirements describe how the AUT works?
Because of this, the requirements should show precisely what the AUT can do.
Do a thorough functional needs analysis as the first step. Black Box design methods that must be used to write test cases are specification-based, practical test cases, equivalence class partitioning (ECP), boundary value analysis (BVA), error guessing, and cause-and-effect graphing.
Using these methods, you can make a test case that checks if specific requirements are met.
How to Get Test Data from the Quality Center and Save It (Test Director)
After you link the requirements and test cases in the requirement tab, you can start making the test plan. When we’re sure the test cases are done, we set their status to “ready,” go to the “Test Lab” tab, and build a test set that includes the test cases.
The test plan is where automated tests are made, just like manual tests. After that, the right tool is opened, the script is written, and the test is run in the test lab.
The test cases are put in order in the quality center’s database (or the test director’s tab in the test plan). The quality center has taken over the job of test director.
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What ways are there to find out where a problem comes from?
There are many ways to figure out where a problem came from.
- Function-to-Scenario Documentation (FS Doc) and Test Case Failures (Bugs)
- Connect the requirements (RS Doc), the test cases (ID), and failed tests.
- Last but not least, there is a link between the test plan (TP Doc), the test cases (ID), and the failed test cases.
- Business requirements papers (BR Doc), test cases (ID), and failed test runs (Failure) are all linked in this diagram (FTR).
- Linking the high-level design (Design Doc), the test cases (ID), and the failed test cases.
- Traceability matrices usually show how different documents, like the requirements document, the client requirements document, the functional specification document, the test plan document, and the test case document, relate to each other.
Manual Testing Interview Questions for freshers
Explain the concept of software testing.
The software’s performance, features, quality, usefulness, and completeness are all measured to see if it meets the needs of the company’s shareholders and to find any bugs in it. In essence, it is a way to ensure that production meets high standards.
What is the difference between quality assurance and quality control?
Part of the quality control process is running a programme to find bugs and ensuring it meets all of the requirements set by the stakeholders. Quality assurance is a process-based strategy whose main goal is to make sure that the procedures, tools, and practices that lead to high-quality results are done right.
What’s the difference between automated and manual software testing, and how are they done?
As part of the manual software testing process, human testers test cases and write test reports by hand. In automated software testing, tools like test scripts and code help with these tasks. A person who tests software acts like a customer to see how well it works.
Explain the software development life cycle (SDLC).
This is a shorthand for “software development life cycle,” which is a phrase that describes how software is made from scratch.
Describe the test case.
Test cases can be used to figure out how well an application meets its requirements. It is a recorded situation with specific inputs, parameters, and expected results.
What does a test case mean?
We can make a test scenario from a use case. It is used to test an app from beginning to end. You can use the same test case in more than one test scenario. When there isn’t much time for testing, scenario testing can help.
What is the plan for testing?
A test plan should be clear about the testing goals, how it will be done, what materials and people will be needed, and how long it is expected to take to finish the testing. This is based on specifications (Software Requirement Specifications). 8. Say what a test case is.
Test cases can be used to figure out how well an application meets its requirements. It is a recorded situation with specific inputs, parameters, and expected results.
Name the different types of manual testing
The different types of manual testing are stated below:
- Black Box
- White Box
- Integration
- Unit
- System
- Acceptance
Explain in brief how to conduct manual testing.
Finding and resolving bugs and weaknesses in a piece of software can be done using a process known as “manual testing,” which makes no use of any automated software. Here is how we conduct manual testing:
- Setting the test parameters is the first step in manual testing. The system as a whole or a single component, or a group of linked functions could be the scope.
- The next step is to create test cases based on the scope you just discovered. The test cases should contain the information required to conduct the tests.
- Testers execute the test cases after creating them to check for discrepancies between what was expected and what occurred.
- Once the test findings come in, the testers should record them in writing so they can be reviewed and examined.
Manual Testing Interview Questions for experienced professionals
Describe a stub.
When building from the top down, it is common to wait to do lower-level modules until the higher-level ones have been tested and put together. In these situations, stubs or dummy modules are used to simulate the behavior of real modules by returning a fixed value or an estimate of the value based on the inputs.
What’s the deal with code coverage?
Code coverage measures how much of the code has been run by the test cases. It shows how much of the application the suite has tested.
Now, let me get this straight: what is a “cause and effect” diagram?
The cause-and-effect graph testing method is one way to make black-box tests. To build the test, this method uses a picture of the input (the cause) and the output (the effect). This method shows the connections between input and output by using logical operators like AND, OR, NOT, and others.
Give some examples of how automated testing can help.
The following are some of the many benefits of automated testing:
When tests are run automatically, both time and effort are saved in a big way.
When test scripts are well-written, there is no room for a person to make a mistake.
Continuous integration (CI) tools like Jenkins can be set up to run tests every night, and they can also be set up to send test results to critical stakeholders daily.
Automation testing needs a lot less time and money. Once tests are automated, it takes little time for QA engineers to run them. Quality assurance (QA) wastes time and money that could be used elsewhere.
What does regression testing mean?
Regression testing ensures that features that have already been tested still work correctly. This is done by running all or some of the test cases that have already been run.
As part of the re-testing process, all the tests from the existing test suite are rerun. It would help if you had both money and time.
There are three regression tests that check for individual features, test the whole system, and try the entire product. This is where we decide which tests to run.
The most critical test cases are chosen: The test cases are put in order of importance based on what they test and how important they are to the company.
What does “test harness” mean?
A test harness is a set of tools and data used to put a piece of software through its paces by running it under stress, load, and data-driven data while keeping an eye on how it responds and what it makes.
How would you describe a nasty bug?
A bug is considered critical if it can change how an app works. It means that an essential part of how the system works or a crucial part of the system is entirely broken, making it impossible to do anything else. The bug is so vital that delivery to end users is on hold until it is fixed.
What does “Test Closure” mean?
The software development life cycle ends with a document called “Test Closing.” This document gives an overview of all the testing done along the way and a detailed look at any bugs that were found and fixed. It includes the total number of experiments, the total number of experiments done, the total number of bugs found, the total number of bugs fixed, the total number of bugs that couldn’t be fixed, the total number of bugs that were rejected, and so on.
When is acceptance testing necessary?
A potential end-user or customer does acceptance testing to see if the software is usable and meets the business requirements.
Explain the difference between bugs that leak and bugs that are released.
When software that has been tested is released to the public and its intended users find errors, this is called “bug leaking.” These are problems that weren’t caught during the testing process.
When software is released to the public with known bugs that will be fixed in later releases, this is called a “bug release.” This information is marked as low priority in the release notes and shared with users.
What does “defect triage” even mean?
Defect triage gives faults priorities based on how bad they are, how dangerous they are, and how long they are expected to take to fix. At the defect triage meeting, everyone who needs to be there (the development team, the testing team, the project manager, the business analysts, etc.) gets together to decide which problems must be fixed first.
The main goal of manual testing is to ensure the software is free of bugs and works as it should base on the requirements set.
The process also checks to see if the developers fixed the reported bugs and if the selected bugs passed the testing phase.
This testing ensures that the system is sound and that there are no problems with the result.
Reading the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about manual testing has made you feel better about your upcoming interview.