Java developers need to know the more advanced rules of the language to make reliable, scalable, and safe apps. This article goes over the topics, notes, and schedule of the advanced Java tutorial so that you can improve your programming skills. If you want to be the best Java developer you can be, you must keep learning and practicing for the rest of your life.
To begin with, let us understand what advanced Java is.
Advanced Java Tutorial—What Does it Mean?
One definition of “improve” is “anything that makes something better.” Another definition of “advance” is “a step forward.” To become experts in that field, we first need to learn more about the basics.
Basic Java Standard Edition (J2SE) is one subset, and Advanced Java is another (JEE). This section talks about the most important parts of Java, like data types, functions, operators, loops, threads, exceptions, and so on. It’s a tool for making programs with more than one use. Advanced Java goes beyond the basics and covers topics like connecting to databases, networking, servlets, web services, and more. This section will explain what advanced Java is, what it’s good for, what it can be used for, cover topics related to advanced Java, and compare it to standard Java.
Java in Depth
Because of this, it can be considered part of the Java language. A newer version of Java is better for making programs run on the web, over a network, or in large businesses. It includes things like Servlet, JSP, JDBC, RMI, socket programming, etc., a small area of expertise within a more extensive field.
A client-server model is used to build a lot of modern Java apps. Java programs on the cutting edge are all the ones that can be run on a server.
In short, Java is an object-oriented programming language that can be used on any platform. If you know how to use the advanced programming language Java, you can connect to database drivers and make dynamic web apps with Java Server Pages and Java Servlets. The advanced Java course goes over JDBC, HTML, Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP), and Java Server Pages (JSTL).
The following are some of the most significant advantages of Advanced Java:
- As the Client-Server architecture of Web Application Development is not supported by Core Java, you must use the library provided by Advance Java, also known as JEE (Java Enterprise Edition).
- J2EE is a Java-centric, cross-platform framework for creating and deploying Web applications. It also includes protocols, APIs, and services that give the capability required to build complex web applications with several layers.
- Working knowledge of the HTTP protocol and Web and Application Servers like Apache Tomcat, Glassfish, etc., is assumed. But, this must be done outside of Core Java.
- You may build trustworthy transaction-based online programs for industries like e-commerce, banking, law, finance, healthcare, inventory, and more with the help of advanced Java frameworks like Spring, JSF, Struts, and others.
- You should know both the fundamentals and the more advanced principles of Java if you want to work with and comprehend cutting-edge technology such as Hadoop and Cloud services.
Importance Of Advanced Java Tutorial

To make modern Web apps, you need to know the Java programming language like an expert. In addition to the process, it includes a set of services, such as application programming interfaces and protocols, that are needed to make complex web-based applications.
There are a lot of job postings for Java full-stack developers, which is good news for people who want to become programmers. The reliable U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says, “By 2024, there will be more than 853,000 full-stack development jobs.” Many well-known companies use Java, including Uber, Airbnb, Google, Netflix, Pinterest, Instagram, Spotify, and Amazon.
You are now convinced of the necessity of learning advanced Java. These chapters each focus on a different core idea in advanced Java:
- JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) (Java DataBase Connectivity)
- Servlets and
- JSP in Java (Java Servlet Pages)
Advanced Java Notes
Developers who work with Java should know a lot about many complex topics. Here are some examples of advanced Java topics:
- Multithreading and Concurrency
- Reflection API
- Generics
- Annotations
- Lambda Expressions
- Streams API
- JavaFX
- Design Patterns
- Exception Handling
- Garbage Collection
Advanced Java Syllabus
The advanced Java curriculum is made up of different topics that help students understand Java’s more complicated ideas. Some of the essential topics covered in the advanced Java syllabus are:
- JDBC and Database connectivity
- Servlets and JSP
- EJB and JMS
- JPA and Hibernate
- Design Patterns
- Multithreading and Concurrency
- Reflection API and Annotations
- Lambda Expressions and Streams API
- JavaFX
- Security and Cryptography
Advanced Java Tutorial in Detail
- What does JDBC mean?
The technology uses a standard called JDBC to connect a Java application to a database. It is one of the essential ideas in high-level Java. The Java Database Connectivity API, or JDBC, allows the Java programming language to talk to many databases. It lets users make requests in a structured query language (SQL), which can then be sent to database management systems. The usual steps are to connect, make a SQL database, run SQL queries, and get results. Using JDBC, end users can add, change, remove, and contact information from databases.
- How are JDBC databases put together?
The JDBC API works with both the two-tier and three-tier models of database processing. If the architecture only had these two layers, it would be called a “two-tier” model.
- An API is a way for a program to connect to a database management system (JDBC Manager).
- The JDBC Driver Application Programming Interface makes it easier for the JDBC Manager and Driver to talk to each other.
The components of a JDBC driver are:
- A driver connects two database servers that let them talk to each other.
- It would be best to have an interface with all the methods to click the database for reference.
- A Driver Manager can be used to keep track of the available drivers in the database.
How to Put Together a JDBC Program
- Bring the packages in. A developer needs JDBC classes to connect to a database. These classes are often given out as part of a package.
- Registering a JDBC Driver: Now, you’ll need to set up a driver before you can start unrolling a connection to the database.
- Set up a relationship: You can connect to a database and get a Connection object using the get connection function.
- Please put in a query: Statement objects are what you use to make SQL statements and send them to the database.
- Bring together information: You can get the data from the output set. The right way to use get xxx() must be used.
- It would help if you didn’t rely on the Java Virtual Machine’s (JVM) garbage collection to clean up an environment. Instead, you should close all database methods yourself.
A Brief Look at JSP
You can use Java Server Pages (JSP), similar to servlet technology, to make a web application. Because of this, JSP is sometimes called a “servlet extension” because it adds features like expression language, JST, etc. to the servlet. JSP is made up of two tags: HTML and JSP. Because different people can do design and development, keeping JSP pages up to date is easier. JSP also has a few extras, like a language for expressions and custom tags.
Here are some essential things about JSP:
- JSP speeds up development and eliminates the need to recompile the project whenever it is changed.
- Because the web container on the server side processes and runs JSP tags, it is portable and can be used with any J2EE server or web browser.
- Simple: realizing it, getting it, and moving forward are all easy. These are much easier to make because you can put Java code into HTML pages without making a separate servlet for each one.
- Since JSP is bytecode, Java’s strengths, like its stability, flexibility, security, and ability to run on any platform, apply to it.
- JSPs are flexible because developers can make their tags, which means they can use markup tags from any framework.
- JSP can keep track of a user’s preferences as they move through a website by keeping the information in the session or cookies.
On the whole, most of us know that core Java concepts make it easy to build regular apps. But when making web apps, developers need to know advanced Java basics like JSP, Servlets, JDBC, etc. Therefore, these can add to the app’s capabilities and features and are essential. We’ve covered everything you need to know about Java’s fundamental concepts in this article on Advanced Java. Visit the Education Nest to learn more about various interactive topics.